Tuesday, August 08, 2006

San Diego State University Visualization Center Adds Supercomputer to Network

Our mission to San Diego included a day at the Visualization Center where guru John Graham demonstrated extreme competence in applying the prowess of the San Diego Super Computer to the concepts and applications of the Digital Earth crowd. Professor Eric Frost, a co-director of the laboratory and Graham were in preparations for the Strong Angel III workshop and able to show off a set of very effective disaster response scenarios bringing together disparate remote sensing, topographic, and field data into a comprehensive decision support system. The elegance of their work is that the viability of extremely light clients to access the visualized information streamed over the web. Frost and Graham have agreed to support the ISDE5 event and Graham further promised to help lead a supercomputer backbone for the development of both the Digital Earth Exchange and host multiple “spinning globe” applications and data (e.g., Geofusion, World Wind, ArcGeoExplorer, Google, etc.).


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