Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Geo-Diva Blesses ISDE5

Bonnie DeVarco has been dubbed the Geo-Diva for Digital Earth by an august group of people who have followed and participated in her pioneering efforts to harness visualization technologies and various versions of digital earths for improving life on the planet. DeVarco, often accompanied by her SGI guru partner Tony, has been networking the best and brightest over the past ten years to get technologies up and running for industry and academics. Sitting at the nexus of various technical and social networks, Bonnie has been instrumental in delving deeply into the intellectual foundations of gee-whiz technology to create a solid framework from which to perceive the many modern wonders. Her work as a Buckminster Fuller scholar finds her at the Stanford University Fuller archives uncovering new revelations as to what Bucky was thinking when he described the Geoscope and resource gaming strategies. Ms. DeVarco has proven to be a deep pool of understanding and vision for the Digital Earth community attracting leading figures in the advance-technology community as well as key players of the futurists and humanities. DeVarco will be presenting a special Buckminster Fuller program at the San Francisco gala event.


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